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Our corporate policy

The success of our company depends to a large extent on the quality of our products and services.
We can only be competitive if we are able to work together to provide services and manufacture products that meet the requirements of our customers, legal regulations and our own company-specific requirements. In our company, we attach great importance to social and safe workplaces and a high level of employee satisfaction. We expect our employees to actively participate in the management system. We strive for continuous improvement.
Personal contact with customers is very important to our company.
The management has defined the following overarching goals for our company in order to implement our corporate policy:

Quality policy

As part of our corporate duty of care with regard to the quality assurance of our products and services, we hereby define our quality policy.

The QM system is a description of the requirements we have defined. Its application ensures that all activities that have an impact on the company's performance are planned, controlled and monitored and that contractually agreed requirements are met.

Through this declaration, the management obliges all employees and suppliers to carry out their activities in accordance with the descriptions of this QM system in order to ensure that the quality of all products and services of our company meets internal and external requirements.

The management reviews the performance and effectiveness of the QM system by assessing the results, internal audits and performance evaluation.

We provide all the necessary resources to fulfill the quality objectives and implement the quality policy.

We are committed to the continuous improvement and further development of the QM system.

The stable quality of our products and services is one of the foundations of our successful business activities. For us, quality means meeting the requirements of our customers and interested parties in the best possible way.

In this sense, quality is an important criterion for our daily business and forms a reliable bond with our customers.

For us, quality-conscious action also means using valuable resources efficiently and sparingly. All employees have the duty and the right to work towards eliminating circumstances that limit the results of the company's performance.

The continuous improvement of the company is therefore also a prerequisite for us in the medium and long term for an effective reduction in costs and an important contribution to protecting the environment.

A smooth organization and the most advanced methods of quality management form the necessary framework for this. All employees are obliged to apply the regulations applicable in their area of responsibility, to constantly monitor their effectiveness and to adapt them to the latest knowledge and requirements.

This understanding of quality and quality awareness, as well as the commitment of all employees to quality, are prerequisites for the satisfaction of our customers and thus for the long-term success of our company.

Axel Schroer (Managing Director) and EVC electronic GmbH