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Certified WinOLS Training

Land Thailand
Name Ryutech Company Limited
Ansprechpartner Kasidej Anchaleenukoon
Website https://www.ryutech.co.th
E-Mail ryutechtuning@gmail.com
Telefon +66838246156
Erfahrung We specializes in engine tuning with experiences in both chiptuning and racing (motorsport). Supporting professional tuners in Thailand and South East Asia for cars, bikes, and trucks application. At Ryutech, Thailand, we have training facilities with in-house steady state dynamometer.

Training available in Thai and English.
Schulung Online möglich True
Schulung vor Ort möglichTrue
Max. Teilnehmner vor Ort 3

16.05.2022 09:00:00 3 Days Correct use of WinOLS - Petrol tuning principles (THAI Language)
27.06.2022 09:00:00 3 Days Correct use of WinOLS - Diesel tuning principles (THAI Language)
07.09.2022 09:00:00 3 Days Correct use of WinOLS - Petrol tuning principles (THAI Language)
03.08.2023 09:00:00 3 days Correct use of WinOLS - Petrol tuning principles (THAI Language)